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Meat Animal Sale RFID Tags and DNA Envelopes



Exhibitors wishing to exhibit beef market animal, market barrows, and/or market lambs at the Rock County 4-H Fair will need to self identify their animals with a UDSA 840 RFID identification tag in addition to submitting an official DNA hair sample and the official Rock County 4-H Fair identification forms to the Rock County 4-H Fair office by the deadline date.

RFID identification tags, identification documentation forms, and DNA sample submission envelopes are available for pick up starting April 24, 2025 at the Rock County 4-H Fair Office.

Animals must be identified in the exhibitor’s name or in an immediate family member’s name. If animals are identified in the immediate family name all siblings’ names MUST appear on the top of the form. Family identified animals need only to submit one form and pay for one DNA sample per animal identified. Youth who fill out an individual form can only show the animals identified on the form; they will not be eligible to show their siblings’ animals if they are not identified in the family name. Cousins are not considered immediate family and may not co-identify the same animal.

The cost for each animal tag is $6.00 and each DNA sample card is $6.00. Exhibitors will need to purchase tags and DNA sample envelopes at pick up.

Market Animal: Beef/Crossbreds 1150 lbs. to 1750 lbs.

Dairy Market Animal: 1300 lbs. to 1750 lbs.

Barrows: 240 lbs. to 290 lbs.

Lambs: 115 lbs. to 170 lbs.

Any unused tags and envelopes care encouraged to be returned for credit. Returns must be done by May 22, 2025, for a refund.

The exhibitor and/or project leader must self-identify his/her animals by placing the 840 RFID tag in the animal’s ear, collecting a DNA hair sample, and completing the official Rock County 4-H Fair animal identification documentation form. D NA samples, with the Rock County 4-H Fair identification documentation form must be returned to Rock County 4-H Fair Office no later than May 22, 2025. NO EXCEPTIONS.

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